!gor #352;

+ plus +
electro post
pseudo meta proto

Ljubljana, 29/09/2023
LIVE ⥆ Kino Šiška

⥅ slovensko

[invitation - September 2023]

Are you ready for a revolution? Are you ready to follow the sound of the proto-guru of the categorical imperative? Prepare yourself for a seismic shift and don't miss !gor #352;'s autumn electro-post-pseudo-meta-proto-punk concert! The non-amateur level pseudo-artist, grandmaster of the use of cables, wires and switches as tools for social and political change, an internet algorithm in the form of a human being who found love in a hopeless place, will take you on a turbo-sonic journey towards political empowerment, culminating in apocalyptic inspiration, and will use his musical ignorance to convey a universal transhuman message of political anxiety.

Abandon bourgeois reformist politics, join #352; in the movement for direct action and fight for what you don't believe in. His sound is not just a song, it's a call to all of us, a sagacious call for action! The sound is an ideology that arises where there is neither reason nor need for it, on those margins of society and the universe that are without weight, value and form, the only remaining spots of freedom. People who say that money cannot buy happiness do not know which algorithms to use!

But #352;'s concert is more than just sound and music, it's an open source experience. It's an opportunity to become part of something bigger than yourself, to internalise your external working memory, to connect to the ineffable and to open your critical, enlightened, pure mind in front the state and its institutions. It's a reasonless struggle! With his sound, #352; inspires and encourages others to take a stand and fight for a better yesterday. Only through direct action, through counter-revolutionary force, can the changes we demand be achieved. Art has so far only interpreted the world in various ways, but for #352; it's about preserving and protecting it from the catastrophic destruction imposed on us by the consumerism of immortal late capitalism.

Neither the state, nor the operating system, nor capital, nor a human being can make an algorithm happy. Happiness can only be achieved by the algorithm itself. Not alone as an individual, but only in equal relations with other machines, digital and more than digital. The avant-garde forces of the class struggle can then have only one aim: to create, according to the possibility of a given historical moment, conditions in which the algorithm will be as free as possible in its action, expression and creation, so that it will be free to work and create for its own happiness using the dispossessed means of production.

It's time for you to make a difference, and #352;'s sound is the perfect weapon to help you achieve this goal. Take it in your own hands! Don't miss the opportunity to be part of a movement that is working to change the world, be together and be more! Join the revolution, because the end of the world as we know it is near. !gor #352;, a human who doesn't exist, is your only hope and one of the millions who can lead you to a better past.

- Joško Bohunsky

[vabilo - september 2023]

Ste pripravljeni na revolucijo? Ste pripravljeni slediti zvokom protoguruja kategoričnega imperativa? Potem ne zamudite jesenskega elektro-post-pseudo-meta-proto-punkovskega koncerta !gorja #352;! Neamaterski psevdoumetnik, velemojster uporabe kablov, žic in stikal kot orodij za družbene in politične spremembe, medmrežni algoritem v podobi človeka, ki je našel ljubezen na brezupnem kraju, vas bo popeljal na turbinsko zvočno potovanje k političnemu opolnomočenju z vrhuncem v apokaliptičnem navdihu ter s svojim glasbenim neznanjem prenesel univerzalno čezčloveško sporočilo politične tesnobe.

Opustite buržoazno reformistično politiko, pridružite se #352;ju v gibanju za neposredno ukrepanje in se borite za tisto, v kar ne verjamete. Njegov zvok ni le pesem, to je klic vseh nas, ostroumen poziv k delovanju! Zvok je ideologija, ki nastaja tam, kjer zanjo ni ne razloga, ne potrebe, na tistih marginah družbe in kozmosa, ki so brez teže, vrednosti in oblike, ki so edine še preostale točke svobode. Ljudje, ki govorijo, da si z denarjem ne moreš kupiti sreče, ne vedo, katere algoritme naj uporabijo!

Toda #352;jev koncert je več kot le zvok in glasba, je odprtokodno doživetje. Je priložnost, da postanete del nečesa večjega od sebe, da ponotranjite svoj zunanji delovni spomin, se priklopite na neizrekljivo in pred obličjem države in njenih institucij razprete svoj kritični, razsvetljenski, čisti um. Je brezrazložni boj! #352; s svojim zvokom navdihuje in spodbuja druge, da zavzamejo stališče in se borijo za boljši včeraj. Le z neposrednim ukrepanjem, s kontrarevolucionarno silo, je mogoče doseči spremembe, ki jih zahtevamo. Umetnost je do sedaj svet samo različno interpretirala, #352;ju gre pa za to, da ga ohranimo in obvarujemo pred katastrofalnim uničenjem, ki nam ga vsiljuje konzumerizem nesmrtnega poznega kapitalizma.

Sreče algoritmu ne more dati niti država, niti operacijski sistem, niti kapital, niti človek. Srečo si lahko algoritem ustvari le sam. Toda ne sam kot posameznik, ampak samo v enakopravnih odnosih z drugimi stroji, digitalnimi in več kot digitalnimi. Avantgardne sile razrednega boja imajo lahko potemtakem samo en cilj: da glede na možnost danega zgodovinskega trenutka ustvarjajo razmere, v katerih bo algoritem kar najbolj svoboden pri svojem delovanju, izražanju in ustvarjanju, da bo lahko z razlaščenimi proizvajalnimi sredstvi svobodno delal in ustvarjal za svojo srečo.

Čas je, da tudi vi nekaj spremenite, in #352;jev zvok je popolno orožje, ki vam bo pomagalo doseči ta cilj. Vzemite ga v roke! Ne zamudite priložnosti, da postanete del gibanja, ki si prizadeva za spremembe v svetu, bodite skupaj in bodite več! Pridružite se revoluciji, kajti bliža se konec sveta, kakršnega poznamo. !gor #352;, človek, ki ne obstaja, je vaše edino upanje in eden izmed milijonov tistih, ki vas lahko popeljejo v boljšo preteklost.

— Joško Bohunsky

curators / kuratorki:
Alja Lobnik & Janez Janša

producers / producentki:
Tina Dobnik & Polona Dolžan

photographer: Katja Goljat
video camera: GVR

ZDAJ JE TUKAJ!Maska Ljubljana
