Expunction – Deleting intima.org Net Art Works
11 May – 16 June 2011
Title: wPack / wireless packages ][ distribution center - WLAN/GSM/WAP project
157 files: 20.6 MB
Created: 2004 (Cuxhaven, Germany / Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Deleted: 17 May 2011
Author: Igor Štromajer
Produced by Intima Virtual Base - www.intima.org
Created for: Ohne Schnur - art about wireless communication (symposium and exhibition: Cuxhavener Kunstverein / Cuxhaven Art Association, Cuxhaven, Germany, April 2004; Curator: Katja Kwastek, Institut für Kunstgeschichte der LMU München) | Archives X + Y
Original structure:
Indeterminable / unkown number of the following file types: EXE, CAT, HTML, PBK, ICO, ANI, MSC, BMP, BAT, ASF, RDZ, DLL, SEA.HQX, SEA.BIN, SIT, SIT.HQX, SMI.BIN, DMG, IMG.BIN, HQX, GIF, JPG
Original URL:
h t t p : / / w w w . i n t i m a . o r g / w p a c k
- List of exhibitions (until 2007): intima.org/exhibit.html
- List of selected related texts (until 2007): intima.org/archives.html
screenshots/fragments (click to enlarge):
wPack is a package distribution center built for the World Wide Web and the GSM WAP telephone. It contains compressed packages, files for strategically traumatic communication, establishing a continued sense of frustration, the effect of unreliable protocols and their connections: the package center operates wirelessly, but with a perpetual threat of a distribution mistake and disconnection. The packages are delivered only with difficulty, using awkward protocols, fragmented and mostly without purpose. They are full of impossible links which can be interpreted as a forcibly political future only beginning to step into our world of fragile connectivity. Even though the ludistic and irrational are taking over marketing strategies: they deliver exactly that which we already have, but we still return for something more. Opening the packages spurns on economic, social, intimate and political questions: who trusts an unordered package that has no commercial value?
The organizational structure of the project is made up of stolen and surplus files, useless data, nonhierarchical connections. The project represents itself exclusively through already existing commercial protocols, but without being servile to them, opening up links between emotionality and technology, production and ethics. With the tactic of exposing the power of capital (which is based on the management and recognizability of connections dependent on the efficiency of protocols whereby disconnection is understood as a threat), wPack reveals the realistic politics of the connections: the packages are those elements which must remain hidden if the connections are to work perfectly.
The distribution of politics and intimacy without any reason and purpose, with the use of limited, incestuous, defined and controlled protocols is a dystopia and a nonservile revolt to the world of capital, which can be disarmed only with the use of its own incestuous tactics.
Bojana Kunst, 2004
Igor Štromajer's project wPack irritates the exhibition visitor at first sight, as it is difficult to link the work's title to the small, blinking and humming robot which one looks at. This robot is mainly a representative or agent of the artwork. It refers to its virtual presence and is at the same time a symbol for technically transmitted communication. It is only once one enters into contact with tagtag.com/wpack (WAP) or intima.org/wpack (wLAN), that one gets to wPack. wPack exists only in the form of these two digital platforms which offer different 'software packets'. These packets contain small programmes 'emotional bombs', as Igor Štromajer ironically calls them, which can be installed on and/or downloaded to mobile phones, handhelds or computers.
Both 'wPack- distribution- centers' offer a choice of categories which is well known from mass media: 'government & military' or 'health & education'. Once the visitor has decided for one of these areas, he is again confronted with further options: 'fear', 'time', 'utopia', 'communication', 'propaganda', 'pain', 'silence', 'terror', 'future' etc. These symbolic terms represent software packets which only unfold their content when opened on a private/personal device. Whereas some of the 'ready-to-use-units' install images, graphs, music, Java-applet's or simple exe-files, others provoke standard error messages. Here at the latest, the user of wPack notices that he is being manipulated by the works because he has been seduced by possibly stereotyped words and ideas.
The content of these packets are actually 'digital fragments' which Igor Štromajer has collected from the global data network. Extracted from the original context and put into new relations by assembly or renaming, they do not only evoke unusual associations and irritations with the recipient but also perfectly stress the subversive and ironic character of the comprehensive work - for example when wPack reflects a current political conflict in the form of a pictogram and, the next second, one receives the offer of downloading a stop watch.
The appearance of these 'artwork portions' in self-installing packets is part of the works' concept. Universal containers deliver the ready-to-use contents free of charge to the home of the recipient and let him wonder whether these are useful, dangerous or just entertaining - and they thus reflect everyday conflicts of our information and consumption society. Igor Štromajer calls these packets 'software-questions', which request answers from the users of the devices and thus trigger a discourse on communication media.
Julia Westner, 2004
wPack Sony Ericsson P800 (GSM WAP) screnshots
Igor Štromajers Projekt wPack irritiert den Ausstellungsbesucher schon auf den ersten Blick, denn der Werktitel will sich nicht mit dem kleinen, blinkenden und surrenden Roboter, den er sieht, in Zusammenhang bringen lassen. Ist dieser doch vor allem Repräsentant oder Agent des Werkes, auf dessen virtuelle Präsenz er verweist und gleichzeitig Symbol für die technisch vermittelte Kommunikation. Erst, wenn man sich in Verbindung setzt mit tagtag.com/wpack (WAP) oder intima.org/wpack (wLAN) gelangt man zu wPack. Denn wPack existiert nur in Form dieser beiden digitalen Plattformen, auf denen 'Software-Pakete' bereitgestellt werden. Die Pakete selbst enthalten kleine Programme, "emotionale Bomben", wie sie Igor Štromajer ironisch bezeichnet, die auf dem Handy, Handheld oder Computer der Benutzer installiert und/oder aufgerufen werden können.
Beide 'wPack- distribution- center' stellen zunächst aus den Massenmedien bekannte Kategorien wie 'government & military' oder 'health & education' zur Auswahl. Entscheidet der Benutzer sich für einen der Bereiche, wird er wiederum mit Begriffen konfrontiert: 'fear',' time', 'utopia', 'communication', 'propaganda', 'pain', 'silence', 'terror', 'future' etc. Diese symbolträchtigen Bezeichnungen stehen nun für einzelne Software-Pakete, deren Inhalte sich erst erschließen, wenn man sie auf seinem privaten Gerät öffnet. Während einige der 'ready-to-use-units' Bilder, Graphiken, Musik, Java-Applet's oder einfache exe-Dateien installieren, provozieren andere die üblichen Fehlermeldungen. Dem Nutzer von wPack wird spätestens hier deutlich, dass er von dem Werk manipuliert wird, weil er sich von vielleicht klischeehaften Begriffen und Vorstellungen verführen lässt.
Die Inhalte der Pakete selbst sind eigentlich 'digitale Fragmente', die Igor Štromajer aus dem globalen Datennetz gesammelt hat. Ihrem originären Kontext entnommen und - durch Montage oder Umbenennung - in neue Beziehungen gesetzt, evozieren sie beim Rezipienten nicht nur ungewöhnliche Assoziationen und Irritationen, sondern betonen geradezu den subversiven, ironischen Charakter des gesamten Werkes - z.B. wenn wPack einen aktuellen politischen Konflikt mittels eines Piktogramms thematisiert und man im nächsten Moment das Angebot bekommt, eine Stoppuhr herunterzuladen.
Schon die Erscheinungsweise der 'Kunstwerkportionen' in selbst-installierenden Paketen ist Teil des Werkkonzeptes. Als universelle Behälter, die gebrauchsfertigen Inhalt drahtlos frei Haus liefern und den Empfänger im Unklaren darüber lassen, ob es sich um nützliche, gefährliche oder lediglich unterhaltende Inhalte handelt, spiegeln sie die täglichen Konflikte unserer Informations- und Konsumgesellschaft wider. Igor Štromajer bezeichnet diese Pakete als 'Software-Fragen', die Antworten von den Nutzern der Maschinen einfordern, also eine Auseinandersetzung der Gesellschaft mit ihren Kommunikationsmedien anregen sollen.
Julia Westner, 2004
wPack in Moderna galerija Ljubljana
Exhibition: Seven Sins: Ljubljana - Moscow
December 2004
Photo: Dejan Habicht, Matija Pavlovec / Moderna galerija, Ljubljana
wPack - Categories of Wireless Packages:
Government & Military
autonomy 8835899 memory 02751101 operation 77385102 territory 49679103 terror 18851104 politics 82117105 tactic 7260148 anxiety 0909467 propaganda 11167110 intelligence 55285111 revolution 13118114 invasion 08133136 surveillance 39684117 information 11886152 language 55183153 transfer 31983200 machine 2904822 artificiality 7375830
Business & Economy
danger 06468175 simulation 92015174 frustration 54058176 avatar 81197181 montage 39983182 organic 16539183 pain 94743184 utopia 94771194 no mercy 43646186 body 92488187 intoxication 27649188 communication 17944151 media 77953172 representation 24169173 east 63636157 north 78391158 navigation 46315163 control 1571223
Health & Education
fantasy 04842122 fear 47342121 sublime 33387115 syndrome 01026124 system 92997126 intimacy 78408128 contact 46049129 money 02842131 database 03061132 signal 41204133 mobility 36625134 radical 01321135 vision 55281137 tears 67811185 time 93398168 message 00416169 mirror 32058156
Science & Social Science
future 4960231 strategy 8418732 silence 4320033 sensibility 5451334 philosophy 1946884 network 2783645 emergency 6604550 trauma 8314751 emotion 4578458 eyes 5668059 identification 9490063 symbol 7060664 orgasm 8210588 passion 3457466 code 89224109 normandy 382948730 religion 83391107
List of wPack Linked Applications
(WML Java software for mobile phones and PDAs / Midlets):
Acupuncture 1.0
Description: Acupuncture provides a lookup utility for acupoints after given a time and a date.
Author: Jereme Technology
Size: 8.6 kB
Code: autonomy 8835899
AnalogWatch 1.0
Description: A midlet which shows an analog clock on screen. Can work as a screen saver too.
Author: Dariusz Pelka
Size: 4.7 kB
Code: memory 02751101
Calculator 1.0
Description: A Midlet calculator with quite a few options.
Author: Surerange
Size: 5.6 kB
Code: operation 77385102
Calculator 1.0
Description: Calculator is a basic calculator utility providing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division functionality.
Author: Visual Quest India (P) Ltd
Size: 4.6 kB
Code: territory 49679103
Calculator U.P. 0.2
Description: Calculator UP is a nice implementation of a calculator.
Author: spruce.org
Size: 7.9 kB
Code: terror 18851104
ChordBook 1.03
Description: Chord Dialer is a guitar chord service for mobile phone users. You can select a chord name and the Chord Dialer looks it up on the Net, and a chord diagram appears on your phone.
Author: Software Cottage
Size: 25.4 kB
Code: politics 82117105
DateToDate 1.1
Description: Date To Date computes the distance between two dates.
Author: JACADO
Size: 4.5 kB
Code: religion 83391107
EuroCheck 1.0.0
Description: This application allows you to check Euro bank notes for validity, origin country.
Author: Medium.net
Size: 29.4 kB
Code: code 89224109
First_Aid_Guide 1.0
Description: This application provides a brief guide for first aid.
Author: Sun Microsystems
Size: 12.3 kB
Code: propaganda 11167110
Grocery 1.0
Description: Grocery List provides a simple grocery list.
Author: onDemand
Size: 7 kB
Code: intelligence 55285111
JTask 1.0
Description: JTask is a very effective and simple to use To Do list manager.
Author: R Feria. desknow
Size: 3.3 kB
Code: revolution 13118114
MetaViewSoft - TeaTimer 1.0.0
Description: If you are having trouble remembering when your tea is done, than use this tea-timer to get it absolute spot on!
Author: MetaViewSoft
Size: 33.5 kB
Code: invasion 08133136
MIDPFirstAid 0.0.1
Description: A First Aid Information midlet with instructions to guide you through emergency medical situations.
Author: Coolaz Technology
Size: 48.1 kB
Code: surveillance 39684117
PeriodicTable 0.9.6
Description: Periodic Table is a very good utility for students. It displays the properties of the elements.
Author: Jacek Bansiak
Size: 17.4 kB
Code: fantasy 04842122
periodicTable 1.0
Description: A nice implementation of a periodic table.
Author: Markus Goldkamp
Size: 18.4 kB
Code: fear 47342121
pets 1.0.1
Description: MBITS stands for Mobile Business Internet Timer Service and it is a very comprehensive timer utitilty. The functionalty is based around a list of timers.
Size: 15 kB
Code: sublime 33387115
pocket 1.0.1
Description: Pocket Protector is a personal secure record storage. Pocket has been developed to act as a storage for Personal Authentication Information.
Author: Jon Eaves
Size: 53 kB
Code: syndrome 01026124
QuickQuote 1.0
Description: Find the latest online stock price info (NYE).
Author: Sun Microsystems
Size: 6.9 kB
Code: system 92997126
Scheduler 1.0
Description: Scheduler is a basic scheduling utility allowing you to enter and store events in a calendar.
Author: Sun Microsystems
Size: 6.7 kB
Code: intimacy 78408128
SpruceAlarmClock 1.2.0
Description: A nice implementation of an alarm clock featuring snooze functionality.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 17.5 kB
Code: contact 46049129
SpruceNotes 1.0.0
Description: Spruce Notes is a good utility for writing down your notes.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 4.8 kB
Code: money 02842131
SpruceQuotes 1.1.0
Description: Spruce Quotes allows you to look up the price of a single share if you know the share symbol.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 3.8 kB
Code: database 03061132
SpruceStopwatch 1.1.0
Description: Spruce Stop Watch is a stop watch utility.
Author: SpruceTechnologies
Size: 6.3 kB
Code: signal 41204133
StopWatch 1.1
Description: Stopwatch provides a basic start-stop-reset stop watch.
Author: JACADO
Size: 7.1 kB
Code: mobility 36625134
TaskKeeper 1.0
Description: TaskKeeper MIDlet application for maintaining to-do items in a categorised and priorised way.
Author: Infocast Systems
Size: 28.1 kB
Code: radical 01321135
Translator 0.0.1
Description: This is an English to Italian Translator Midlet which has a database of over 1300 words. You can perform searches or browse by letter.
Author: Bradley Meehan
Size: 42.6 kB
Code: vision 55281137
Description: A midlet which gives you access to the google search engine from your mobile phone.
Author: Wingfoot Software
Size: 42.3 kB
Code: utopia 94771194
SendFax 1.0
Description: This midlet allows you to send a fax from your mobile phone.
Author: Surerange
Size: 6 kB
Code: transfer 31983200
Amark 1.2
Description: A visual benchmark with video effects. Amark is can perform 3d mathemathics, fill polygons and manipulate with images.
Author: Andrea Fasce
Size: 53.5 kB
Code: time 93398168
Comics 1.0.4
Description: You can read comics on your mobile phone.
Author: Coolaz Technology
Size: 23.5 kB
Code: message 00416169
DS_Rain 1.0
Description: DS-Rain displays the date and time over a rain effect.
Author: DS Effects
Size: 11.4 kB
Code: media 77953172
DS_Snow 1.0
Description: DS-Snow displays the date and time over a snow effect.
Author: DS Effects
Size: 10 kB
Code: representation 24169173
DS_Stars 1.0
Description: DS-Stars displays the date and time over a stars effect.
Author: DS Effects
Size: 4.4 kB
Code: danger 06468175
DS_Stars3D 1.0
Description: DS-Stars 3D displays the date and time over a 3d stars effect.
Author: DS Effects
Size: 4.4 kB
Code: simulation 92015174
Fractal 1.0.0
Description: This application demonstrates fractal generation. Most devices need quite a long time to calculate the fractals. It has magnifier built in to zoom in on the fractal.
Author: epublica
Size: 4.5 kB
Code: frustration 54058176
juggling 1.1
Description: This midlet demonstrates different juggling patterns.
Author: Widefield Computing
Size: 23.2 kB
Code: avatar 81197181
Kamasutra 1.1.0
Description: This is an animation of an impressive acrobatic performance. Not suitable for children.
Author: Francesco Bapti
Size: 17.4 kB
Code: montage 39983182
kFire 1.1
Description: kFire displays a fire effect with changeable screensize and resolution.
Author: Maxence Bernard
Size: 4.4 kB
Code: organic 16539183
Life! 1.1
Description: The Midlet simulates the Game Of Life by John Conway.
Author: David Harrigan
Size: 11.3 kB
Code: pain 94743184
SpruceDraw 1.0.5
Description: Spruce Draw is a drawing utility, which allows you to draw images on the screen using a pencil tool and an eraser tool.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 8.6 kB
Code: tears 67811185
SpruceFX 1.0.0
Description: Spruce FX is a graphics utility that provides rain, snow and stars2d effects.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 8.2 kB
Code: no mercy 43646186
swirl2 1.2
Description: A good looking graphics demo of a multi-coloured swirl.
Author: Pekka Kuismanen
Size: 5.3 kB
Code: body 92488187
Valentine 1.2.0
Description: Valentine midlet.
Author: Erik Wistrand
Size: 23.3 kB
Code: intoxication 27649188
CityRace 1.1
Description: Race against your opponents in the city traffic.
Author: Stefano Gaglini 2002
Size: 22.4 kB
Code: communication 17944151
Flash 1.0
Description: This is a quite simple sequence remembering game.
Author: AWParr
Size: 6.7 kB
Code: information 11886152
FourInRow 1.1
Description: This is an implementation of the game Four-in-a-Row. It supports multiple players.
Author: Macrospace Ltd
Size: 33.7 kB
Code: language 55183153
MDoom 1.0
Description: MDoom is 3D shoot-them-up game. It is a miniature clone of the famous 3D Doom game.
Author: JShape Software
Size: 19.9 kB
Code: mirror 32058156
MountainRoadRacer 1.0
Description: A racing game set in the mountains which involves beside racing against other cars, also avoiding falling rocks in the road.
Author: Sun Microsystems
Size: 14.3 kB
Code: east 63636157
NumberTumble 1.0.3
Description: The object of the game is to eliminate the numbers from the screen as they fall. You can eliminate the numbers by clicking on the corresponding numbers on your phone.
Author: Pointstorm Innovations
Size: 24.1 kB
Code: north 78391158
TeleMem 1.1
Description: Telemem is a memory game where you have to repeat the sequence of numbers output by the game.
Author: JACADO
Size: 10.8 kB
Code: navigation 46315163
AmobaMIDlet 1.1
Description: Amoba is a board game played by two players. The goal is to place markers on the board until one of the players gets five markers in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Author: Csaba Bonifert
Size: 15.7 kB
Code: machine 2904822
Atomic 1.0
Description: Atomic is a board game where the goal is to take over the game board. You can do this by placing atoms into empty squares or onto square that you already control.
Author: Neil Johan Broadbent
Size: 42.2 kB
Code: control 1571223
Dots 1.0.0
Description: Dots is the implementation of the board game also known as "squares".
Author: Softex, Inc.
Size: 8.4 kB
Code: artificiality 7375830
DS_AllLights 1.0
Description: A puzzle game with deverse difficulty levels. The goal is to turn on all the lights in the playing area.
Author: DS Effects
Size: 4.8 kB
Code: future 4960231
DS_Fifteen 1.0
Description: You have to sort the numbers in ascending order to solve the puzzle. This game has multiple difficulty levels for you to choose from.
Author: DS Effects
Size: 5.1 kB
Code: strategy 8418732
DS_Memory 1.0
Description: You have to match up the hidden letters in the good old “memory” way. This version includes multiple difficulty levels you can choose from.
Author: DS_Effects
Size: 5.7 kB
Code: silence 4320033
Fiver 1.0.0
Description: Fiver is an interesting puzzle game which involves inverting the buttons in each cell of a square matrix.
Author: Softex, Inc.
Size: 13 kB
Code: sensibility 5451334
HorseCourse 1.0.0
Description: The games objective is to make as many steps as possible. Using cursor keys choose the start cell and press Fire. Mark each cell, moving horse as you play chess.
Author: Mank
Size: 28.6 kB
Code: philosophy 1946884
Lights 1.0
Description: Lights is a puzzle game where you have to turn all 25 lights on.
Author: Visual Quest India (P) Ltd
Size: 9.2 kB
Code: network 2783645
MineGame 1.0
Description: A clone of the Minesweeper game.
Author: Elam
Size: 6.9 kB
Code: tactic 7260148
Numbers 0.8
Description: Numbers is an interesting game to play where you have a table of numbers and upon selecting any number you will increase all elements of the corresponding row and column by one. The object of the game is to make all the numbers in the table equal to 9.
Author: Hesham Zreik
Size: 7.3 kB
Code: emergency 6604550
Pegged 1.0.0
Description: The game objective is to finish game with only one peg remaining on the board.
Author: Mank
Size: 26.7 kB
Code: trauma 8314751
Scramble 1.0
Description: This is a Scramble Game. You have to move the numbers and arrange them in sequence.
Author: Sun Microsystems
Size: 7.7 kB
Code: emotion 4578458
Simon Says 1.0
Description: An implementation of the classic game of Simon Says. You have to repeat Simon's moves.
Author: JSmart Technologies
Size: 18.4 kB
Code: eyes 5668059
SpruceMatchup 1.0.0
Description: Spruce Matchup is a kind of “Memory” game where you have to find the pairs of characters on a six by six grid.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 5.3 kB
Code: identification 9490063
SpruceMatchupEasy 1.0.0
Description: Spruce Matchup Easy is a smaller grid version of Spruce Matchup memory game.
Author: Spruce Technologies
Size: 5.3 kB
Code: symbol 7060664
TenPinWizard 1.0
Description: TenPinWizard is a bowling scoring game. It supports playing for up to 6 players at the same time.
Author: HiLogic Consulting Inc.
Size: 42 kB
Code: orgasm 8210588
Triangle 1.0
Description: A puzzle game where the goal is to sort the numbers in ascending order within the triangle.
Author: Sun Microsystems
Size: 7.3 kB
Code: passion 3457466
Turner 1.0.0
Description: The objective of the game is to turn all cells to black color.
Author: Mank
Size: 24.3 kB
Code: anxiety 0909467
[Flickr] Expunction DEL NET ART Screenshots