
Net Ballet
Internet 2001

Ballet Net
The Bolshoi Moscow 2002

M-III RoboBallet
Bergen 2003

BRVI - RealVideo
Aksioma 2003

Autto Mobillikka
Ljubljana 2004

Illegallikka Robottikka
La Scala Milan 2004

BEO Guerrиllиkka
NP Belgrade 2005

Volks Net Ballet
Volksbühne Berlin 2006



Renmin Net Ballet
Hong Kong 2007

Dresden 2007

Fire Polygon 2008

Madrid 2008

Seoul 2008

Svalbard 2008/09

M. Torishima Japan 2009

Hamburg 2010

Ljubljana ZOO 2010

Internet 2011

Radio Slovenia ARS 2017

Balletikka Internettikka

Low-Tech Internet Para-Ballet by Igor Štromajer & Brane Zorman | 10 years: 2001-2011 | www.intima.org/bi

Ballettikka Internettikka Insecttikka, 29 May 2010 at 22:00, Hamburg, Germany, Live

+ YouTube Video

- authors and performers: Igor Štromajer & Brane Zorman
- theoretical adviser: Bojana Kunst
- live sound (manipulated and performed) by MC Brane Vs BeitThroN
- live video edited by Igor Štromajer
- curated by Petra Heck

Co-produced by the Netherlands Media Art Institute (Nederlands Instituut Voor Mediakunst), Amsterdam; Intima, Hamburg; Cona, Ljubljana.

Performmikka Internettikka

Ballettikka Internettikka is a series of live streaming tactical art projects by Igor Štromajer and Brane Zorman that began in 2001 with the research of ballet dancing the HTML and Java source code. It explores wireless internet performance combined with guerrilla tactics, dancing toy-robots, and mobile internet broadcasting strategies. The ten-year project ended in 2011.

After invading the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow (2002), La Scala in Milan (2004), the National Theatre in Belgrade (2005), Volksbühne in Berlin (2006), the City Hall and Lippo Centre in Hong Kong (2007), a construction site in Seoul (2008), the Norwegian island Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean (2008), the Japanese island Minami Torishima in the Pacific Ocean (2009) and other institutions, places and their concepts. Štromajer and Zorman prepared a new Internet ballet -- Ballettikka Internettikka Insecttikka, performing and broadcasting live from the coded location C3K44XE in Hamburg. The live event was broadcasted to the public at the Netherlands Media Art Institute, Amsterdam, and on the Internet.

In the Port of Hamburg, at the micro location C3K44XE, Štromajer and Zorman released two micro robotic bugs: two artificial autonomous robotic toy insects (based on the HexBug Alpha and HexBug Bravo platforms), equipped with mechanical and electronic sensors and with three wireless waterproof night vision micro spy-cameras, let loose to commit a parallel suicide (the third, invisible micro robotic bug, equipped with the same camera, observed the situation from a distance). Both of the robotic bugs were programmed only to commit suicide -- at the same time (with up to +/- 5 seconds time tolerance) -- but not how to do it. Their intelligent decision-making electronic system allowed them to select the method of their simultaneous death. Visitors of the Performmikka Internettikka event in Amsterdam and visitors on-line were able to monitor the robotic bugs' path to death, and their final decision.
How did the robotic insects decide? Autonomously or politically?

Ballettikka Internettikka Insecttikka was a part of the event Performmikka Internettikka, curated by Petra Heck.

Ballettikka Internettikka Insecttikka

Additional information about Ballettikka Internettikka Insecttikka:
+ BI Insecttikka FLICKR Photo Set
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"We shall fight them on the beaches. We shall fight them on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."
(W. Churchill)

The robotic bug and the wireless mini-cam / its size, compared to a standard AA battery.

Hexbug Alpha + Hexbag Bravo:

Hexbug feels its way around sensing objects in its path and avoiding them. You can control where it scurries through a hand clap, loud noise or table slap. The robotic bug will travel forward until it hits an obstacle or hears a loud noise. It will then backup in a half circle and then move forward in a different direction.

- Crawling bug
- Bump sensor feelers help it avoid obstacles
- Change its direction by clapping or making noise
- Fits in your hand

Additional Information:
Weight (lbs): 0.034
Width (inches): 2.34
Height (inches): 1.3
Depth (inches): 2.66
# of Legs: 6
Control: Autonomous
Sound Sensor: Yes
Touch Sensor: Yes
Battery: AG13
# of Batteries: 2

# wireless camera and transmitter: DraganFly Eyecam Extreme 2.4GHz Color Wireless CCD Night Vision Micro Video Camera with 2.4GHz, 4 channel switchable, 50mW ultra-light transmitter
# wireless video receiver: DraganFly 2.4GHz, 4 channel auto-selecting A/V receiver/down converter with Circular Polarized Flat Patch Antenna

See also:
- Ballettikka Internettikka (Aeronauttikka) on the cover of Pasatiempo, The New Mexican’s Weekly Magazine of Arts, Entertainment and Culture, March 12-18, 2010 (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)

Ballettikka Internettikka - www.intima.org/bi