
Net Ballet
Internet 2001

Ballet Net
The Bolshoi Moscow 2002

M-III RoboBallet
Bergen 2003

BRVI - RealVideo
Aksioma 2003

Autto Mobillikka
Ljubljana 2004

Illegallikka Robottikka
La Scala Milan 2004

BEO Guerrиllиkka
NP Belgrade 2005

Volks Net Ballet
Volksbühne Berlin 2006



Renmin Net Ballet
Hong Kong 2007

Dresden 2007

Fire Polygon 2008

Madrid 2008

Seoul 2008

Svalbard 2008/09

M. Torishima Japan 2009

Hamburg 2010

Ljubljana ZOO 2010

Internet 2011

Radio Slovenia ARS 2017

Balletikka Internettikka

Low-Tech Internet Para-Ballet by Igor Štromajer & Brane Zorman | 10 years: 2001-2011 | www.intima.org/bi

Ballettikka Internettikka: SubAquattikka, 23 September 2010, Ljubljana ZOO Vivarium

- authors and performers: Igor Štromajer & Brane Zorman
- theoretical adviser: Bojana Kunst
- spatial adviser: Irena Pivka
- MP3 audio (composed, manipulated and performed) by MC Brane Vs BeitThroN
- video: Igor Štromajer
- special thanks to Barbara Mihelič, Scientific Director (Ljubljana ZOO) and Petra Hrovatin, biologist (Ljubljana ZOO)

Co-produced by Intima and Cona Ljubljana.

Ballettikka Internettikka is a series of live streaming tactical art projects by Igor Štromajer and Brane Zorman that began in 2001 with the research of ballet dancing the HTML and Java source code. It explores wireless internet performance combined with guerrilla tactics, dancing toy-robots, and mobile internet broadcasting strategies. The ten-year project ended in 2011.

Additional information about Ballettikka Internettikka: SubAquattikka
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"We shall fight them on the beaches. We shall fight them on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender."
(W. Churchill)

Ballettikka Internettikka SubAquattikka

Project was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Town Municipality of Ljubljana - Department of Culture.

See also:
- Ballettikka Internettikka (Aeronauttikka) on the cover of Pasatiempo, The New Mexican’s Weekly Magazine of Arts, Entertainment and Culture, March 12-18, 2010 (Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA)

Ballettikka Internettikka - www.intima.org/bi